Live Streaming for The Post-Pandemic World

Live Streaming for The Post-Pandemic World

The Pandemic has changed the way we see live streaming, how we relate to it and our expectations. With its innovative features, such as ghost-sharing, live greenroom, animated scenes and omnichat, Hypersay Studio allows you to capture the audience’s attention on all platforms, your way.

Main features
Stream from your browser
Hypersay Studio lives in your browser. There’s no app to install, no admin permissions required. Just open a Hypersay Studio, share a link with your speakers and go live. Easy!

Stream to one or more locations at the same time. We support scenarios where you stream to another Hypersay Event but also to Youtube Live and Facebook Live at the same time. All through multi-cast RTMP.

Green room
Speaker management is hard. Are they connected? Does their microphone work? Headphones on? Camera? Can they share their slides? Manage and check all these situations from the safety of the green room before promoting a speaker to the live scene.

Screen-sharing at a distance! With Hypersay Events you can share your screen on the live stage without yourself being present on the stage. Do it from the safety of the green-room. Excellent for scenarios where a speaker wants you to manage their slides.

Dynamic scenes
We support various scenes to handle static, dynamic and live content during your streaming session. Expect configurable scenes, dynamic backgrounds, countdowns and auto-layouts.

The core of a live-stream is one or more speakers sharing the stage. We offer a smart auto-layout, self-adjusting video scene where individual cameras share the space according to their total number, screen-sharing status or the highlighted speaker.

1080p streaming
Stream at 1080p by default to all RTMP endpoints. Lower resolutions do impact negatively the message you are trying to deliver to your audience.

Play a recorded video
Live streams often need to play pre-recorded videos: a pre-recorded keynote, an ad, a launching video, a message from the sponsors, etc. Hypersay Events makes mixing live and pre-recorded video a trivial task by allowing video-sharing at the highest quality. Like sharing your screen, but better.

Stage chat and translations
When Hypersay Studio streams into Hypersay Events platform, you have access to the stage chat. Stay on top of the discussions in the chat, respond to them in real-time. Collect questions, answer concerns and even show a chat post as a layer inside the live stream itself. Written in another language? Translate it on the spot with our built-in translation service.